Snugglebundl is Mum's Choice
What a lovely start to 2015 to win another award for our Snugglebundl's. This time it is the Mum's choice award
for Achieve magazine.
Achieve Magazine is an A4 Glossy Education and Specialist Education Magazine targeting Parents, Foster Carers, Schools amp; SEN Coordinators across the UK.
The award is given to a product that they decide offers the greatest benefit and use to parents, and we were very proud that they voted for Snugglebundl. I spoke to the editor of Achieve, Sally Smith who told me that the consensus of opinion was how much they had all wished the Snugglebundl had been around for them with their own babies, and the reviews from Mum's who had used the Snugglebundl and found it so indispensable.
We look forward to adding the Achieve award logo to our already long list of awards and proudly display it on our website and packaging.